Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Find Out Exactly What You Can Expect As A Member In The Global Information Network

The product is a membership in the Global Information Network (GIN) and costs ,000 to join with a 0 monthly fee to remain a member.

My goal is to divulge as much information about a membership in the Global Information Network as I'm allowed. I also want to present this information in as straight, up front, and honest way as possible. The information is presented in a way that would help me in determining if GIN was right for me. I tend to evaluate things in a left brain mode of thinking and I certainly did that when evaluating GIN. It did take me quite a while to decide to become a member considering I analyzed the benefits extensively.

The most difficult part in evaluating whether or not to become a member is that the information on GIN plastered all over the internet is so generalized. There are not a lot of details of what the benefits of a GIN membership really are. I understand that the information on GIN needs to be kept secret otherwise it wouldn't be worth it to join, but I also realize that people need more information before being able to evaluate whether GIN is worth the investment or not.

If you haven't visited the Global Information Network official site already, I would advise doing so to learn more about their description of their product.

As a Level 1 member you'll currently have free access to the following on the official Global Information Network website with more to come every month:

Book Library

69 books containing information on health, martial arts, mental skills, ways to make money, and the law of attraction. One book I would like to make mention of is the original version of Napoleon Hill's "The Law of Success". Take notice that a watered down version of the book on Amazon received 27 five star votes and 3 one star votes. If this was the original version of "The Law of Success" as is featured on GIN, it most likely would have received 30 five star votes. Upcoming categories of interest that are promised to be covered in the future are categories such as saving money, asset protection, debt, passport/citizenship, taxes, survival preparedness, credit, loans, financing, and legal resources.

Audio Library

Approximately 200 hours of audio containing information on personal development, business skills, metal skills, law of attraction, health, and martial arts.

Video Library

Several hours worth of video containing information on personal development, metal skills, health, and martial arts.

Audio of Past GIN Seminars & Events

Each seminar that GIN hosts all around the world is posted on the GIN website and is available to all GIN members. As of September 2010, there is approximately 200 hours of recorded audio from these seminars and events available to Level 1 members. Higher level members have access to even more. The information being shared at these seminars and events is similar to the content discussed above. I am not allowed to post the names of the speakers on a public website, but I can share the information with you on an email. If you are interested in hearing who the speakers are, please email me. I can guarantee that you will not be dissapointed.

Online Community - Exclusive to Members

The online community comprises of members of GIN. The members share business ideas and a multitude of other information with other members.

Keep in mind that GIN is a brand new membership organization. You can expect more and more material and benefits every month!

As a Level 1 member you'll have free access to the following external content free of charge:

American National Biography Online

Product Description: Portraits of more than 17,400 men and women -- from all eras and walks of life -- whose lives have shaped the nation. More than a decade in preparation, the American National Biography is the first biographical resource of this scope to be published in more than sixty years.

Cost for non GIN members: .00 per year or .95 per month.

Oxford Scholarship Online

Product Description: Combining excellence with innovation, Oxford Scholarship Online is a unique and invaluable tool for both research and teaching. The complete text of thousands of carefully-selected Oxford books is available online for the first time. The categories available to GIN members are business and management, economics and finance, and philosophy.

Cost for non GIN members: Oxford Scholarship Online is only available to institutions and bulk rates so the price for an individual to join is unquantifiable.

Oxford Reference Online Premium

Product Description: This database brings together language and subject reference works from one of the world's biggest and most trusted reference publishers into a single cross-searchable resource. As a GIN Member, you have access to the Premium Collection, which offers a huge range of fully-indexed, extensively linked, up to date, and cross-searchable dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press, including detailed information across a broad subject range from titles in the world-renowned Oxford Companions series.

Cost for non GIN members: 9.00 per year or .95 per month.

Natural Cures

Product Description: You will be exposed to the never before released natural, non-drug and non-surgical ways to cure and prevent virtually every disease. These natural cures have been researched by doctors and healthcare practitioners from all around the world with spectacular results. The founder of Natural Cure has traveled over 5 million miles, to over 60 countries and interviewed over 5,000 doctors and healthcare providers who are curing people every day with natural non-drug and non-surgical methods. Many of these inexpensive, natural cures are completely unknown in America. Many of the cures you find on this web site have never been translated into English before. You will learn the cures for over 1,000 diseases. These are natural cures. These are inexpensive cures. These are cures that you can obtain easily. They have no negative side effects and they are being used by doctors around the world with spectacular results...

Cost for non GIN members: ,000.00 one time fee or .95 per month.

As of September of 2010, there have been seminars held in the following locations:

-Atlanta, GA

-Charlotte, NC

-Chicago, IL

-Cincinnati, OH

-Columbus, OH

-Dallas, TX

-Denver, CO

-Indianapolis, IN

-Las Vegas, NV

-Long Beach, CA

-Los Angeles, CA

-Louisville, KY

-Newark, NJ

-Oak Brook, IL

-Palm Springs, CA

-Rottach-Egern, Germany

-Ventura Beach, CA

-Ventura, CA

-Zurich, Switzerland

As of September of 2010, there have been major quarterly events held in Cancun, Dominican Republic, Chicago and Germany. There will be a major event in the Bahamas in October of 2010 and there will also be a cruise in January of 2011. The major quarterly events are free to attend, but you have to stay at the GIN sponsored hotel to gain access to the meetings. All seminars are free.

To give you an idea of how many free meetings are available to attend, there have been 32 GIN meetings, seminars, or events since April of 2010 to September of 2010.

To give you an idea of what is discussed at these meetings, here is a list of some of the titles of the past meetings:

-Linguistic Psychology

-The Brain Train

-Electro-Magnetic Solutions to Transforming Your Life

-It's ALL About Relationships!

-The Money Clinic

-How to Create a Perpetual Money Making Machine with Kevin Trudeau

-Chronic Fatigue & Cellular Shutdown: How to stop the nightmare

-The Secrets To Personal Transformation

-Real Mechanics for Meeting Your Full Potential!

-Investment Proposal Summit:

-The Winner Workshop

-The Leadership Labratory

-Water Secrets and the pH Myth!

-You Are Born to be a Champion

-Thought Field Therapy

-Truth About Success

-June 2010 Natural Cures Health Expo

-Goal Setting Workshop

-The Complete Professional

-What Nobody Seems to Want You to Know about Your Health, Weight Loss, Energy, EMF, pH and Water

-The I Ching Hexagrams: The Secret Mathematical Keys to Your Well Being

-Getting and Keeping the "Edge" On Anyone, Anyplace, In Any Situation

-The Power of a Positive Attitude: How to Create Your Own Success

-B.E.S.T. Living.....How to Have Vibrant Health in 4 Minutes or Less

-Success Secrets of a Direct Marketing Millionaire

-Break Through

-10 Keys to Anti-Aging

As I said previously, I am not allowed to post the names of the speakers on a public website, but I can share the information with you on an email. If you are interested in hearing who the speakers are, please email me.

Remember that as a GIN member, you'll have access to these seminars as mp3 files.

Evaluating if the GIN membership fee is worth it.

Knowing what is available to a GIN member, is a ,000 initiation fee and 0 monthly dues a fair price tag on the product? Evaluating the product in terms of dollars is impossible. Each person will utilize different parts of the product. Each person will spend a different amount of time utilizing the product. Each person's life will be affected differently. There are so many variables.

To evaluate the value of a membership based purely on the content is not fair. Results will vary. There is no doubt about that.

If you become a member and truly engage, GIN will give you a better chance of succeeding in life and a better chance at creating true happiness!

Take a look back in history. Most of the time, successful people are part of some association, club, system, organization, group, fraternity or alumni. The group provides them with meeting of like minded people, on going support, on going training in the form of written material that you can't get outside that club such as books, pamphlets, reports, white papers and written information that is confidential to members giving them insights on how to become successful. Successful people have access to meetings, seminars, symposiums, work shops, and forums where they get a chance to learn from affluent experts where they can gain information that people outside the group don't have access to. They also have access to networking, being able to hang out, develop relationships with, and associate with people who are like minded. Napoleon Hill called that creating a mastermind. Successful people associate with winners.

In an average person's day to day lives, we don't have any of these opportunities. We don't associate with like minded, motivated people. Usually the people that we associate with don't realize their untapped potential and even if they do, they are simply too lazy to do anything about it. These are the type of people that are negative, skeptical and cynical about everything. They are not motivated. They are not successful. They are not encouraging. Nor do they want anyone around them to succeed.

I understand what the creators of GIN are trying to do. They are trying to bridge the gap between us average folk and the truly successful people throughout the world.

GIN based the design of their product on allowing an average person to become part of a group where like minded, affluent people who want success can associate together. Unless you are a very fortunate person, you would never have this opportunity outside of the Global Information Network. You can learn from some of the most successful and affluent millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires. This is access to information you wouldn't have access to outside of GIN. This is information that will help you have, be or do whatever you want in life. It will teach you how to achieve success and how to develop emotional well being. Some of the written material is not accessible outside of membership. All of the free workshops, symposiums, seminars and retreats being put on all over the world will give you information that is put on by some of the most successful people in the world that isn't available anywhere else.

What if the information you get as a member of GIN really is the secret information that is directly from the members of some of the most successful and most powerful secret societies as GIN claims? If this is true, now this information is virtually priceless and you truly are missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime if you decide not to become a member.

The Law of Attraction - The Key Component Behind Most of GIN's Content

The basis or core element of the majority of the content on GIN is the "law of attraction". In simple terms, the law of attraction simply states that you attract into your life whatever you think about. It means that whatever you focus on by means of your thoughts, you will have it in your life. If you focus on what you want, you will attract it. If you focus on what you don't want, you will attract it too.

The law of attraction was originally popularized by Napoleon Hill in conjunction with Andrew Carnegie in the early 1900s. The law has just recently been brought into the main stream by the movie "The Secret".

Using the power of the law of attraction and other advanced techniques, here are some of the things GIN helps you accomplish:

-How to have, be or do everything you desire.

-How to attract things into your life such as a new car, better job or career, a lover or better relationship or even better health.

-How to develop emotional well being, be happier, more fulfilled, eliminate depression and anxiety.

-How to overcome fears, phobias and insecurities.

-How to remove blocks and feel happy whatever the financial or emotional climate you are facing.

-How to feel powerful, and in control with all people and in all situations.

-How to read energy, virtually read people's minds, expand your psychic ability and predict the future

-How to gain confidence, and a feeling of security and certainty in life.

-How to get people to like you.

According to the founders of GIN, this law has been known and practiced by the majority of the world leaders and elite class long before Napoleon Hill's time. This is where the "secret societies" come into play. The "secret" the elite don't want you to know about is the law of attraction or at least the know how on how to incorporate the law into your life in the most powerful ways possible.

There is plenty of content available for the general public's consumption in regards to the law of attraction. Just type in "law of attraction" on a search engine. The books I mention farther down on this web page are examples of great content available to anybody. The problem with the available content is that it may not disclose the "secret" fully or inform you on how to apply the "secret" the most efficient way. Some people will watch the movie "The Secret", fail when trying to apply the techniques, and will come to the conclusion that the law of attraction doesn't work. The information provided on GIN gives you the true, direct, time-tested methods to employ the law of attraction in your life in the most effective way possible.

For example, instead of immediately applying the technique of the law of attraction in extreme circumstances, GIN offers guidance of how to really make it work by first starting with the basics. First off, you have to truly believe what you are thinking about can come into your life. So if you are thinking of attracting a million dollars in your life, you have to truly believe it is going to come into your life. If there is doubt, it won't happen. So you have to start small with something you truly believe can be attracted into your life. As you attract those "smaller" things into your life, you can build up to attracting those "bigger" things into your life now that you have the belief that the law of attraction truly works. This is just a simple technique you'll learn at the most basic levels of GIN. They start you off with the basics and as you progress you will be exposed to more and more information on the law of attraction. This is what makes GIN different from other sources. It is a training program that is guaranteed to help you become successful.

For some people success is money, for others a wonderful family, for others health. The pot at the end of the rainbow for everybody is the discovery of true happiness. Whatever you coin "success" as being, GIN will help you accomplish "success" in your life.

Here is how GIN explains their product in regards to the law of attraction.

"Many of you have heard about the book and DVD The "Secret" which describes the Law of Attraction. These are excellent beginning resources providing wonderful and powerful information. However, the book The Secret does not even scratch the surface on how the Law of Attraction SHOULD be used correctly, and EXACTLY how to use it. Plus, there are many, many more secrets well beyond the Law of Attraction. These are the closely guarded secrets the ultra wealthy and powerful elite class has kept to themselves for centuries. When you learn these secrets YOU TOO can truly have, be or do whatever you desire."

For a more in depth explanation of the Law of Attraction, take me up on my free offer on the free gift page of my website.

Also, as you're browsing my website, take a look at the quotes at the bottom of my web pages. The quotes will offer inspiration and/or a hint that the law of attraction has been a well known fact throughout history. The quotes are from powerful, well-respected industrialists, inventors, politicians, religious leaders, scientists, philosophers, and authors.

Evaluating if the GIN membership fee is worth it.

Knowing what is available to a GIN member, is a ,000 initiation fee and 0 monthly dues a fair price tag on the product? Evaluating the product in terms of dollars is impossible. Each person will utilize different parts of the product. Each person will spend a different amount of time utilizing the product. Each person's life will be affected differently. There are so many variables.

To evaluate the value of a membership based purely on the content is not fair. Results will vary. There is no doubt about that.

GIN will give you a better chance of succeeding in life and a better chance at creating true happiness!

Take a look back in history. Most of the time, successful people are part of some association, club, system, organization, group, fraternity or alumni. The group provides them with meeting of like minded people, on going support, on going training in the form of written material that you can't get outside that club such as books, pamphlets, reports, white papers and written information that is confidential to members giving them insights on how to become successful. Successful people have access to meetings, seminars, symposiums, work shops, and forums where they get a chance to learn from affluent experts where they can gain information that people outside the group don't have access to. They also have access to networking, being able to hang out, develop relationships with, and associate with people who are like minded. Napoleon Hill called that creating a mastermind. Successful people associate with winners.

In an average person's day to day lives, we don't have any of these opportunities. We don't associate with like minded, motivated people. Usually the people that we associate with don't realize their untapped potential and even if they do, they are simply too lazy to do anything about it. These are the type of people that are negative, skeptical and cynical about everything. They are not motivated. They are not successful. They are not encouraging. Nor do they want anyone around them to succeed.

I understand what the creators of GIN are trying to do. They are trying to bridge the gap between us average folk and the truly successful people throughout the world.

GIN based the design of their product on allowing an average person to become part of a group where like minded, affluent people who want success can associate together. Unless you are a very fortunate person, you would never have this opportunity outside of the Global Information Network. You can learn from some of the most successful and affluent millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires. This is access to information you wouldn't have access to outside of GIN. This is information that will help you have, be or do whatever you want in life. It will teach you how to achieve success and how to develop emotional well being. Some of the written material is not accessible outside of membership. All of the free workshops, symposiums, seminars and retreats being put on all over the world will give you information that is put on by some of the most successful people in the world that isn't available anywhere else.

What if the information you get as a member of GIN really is the secret information that is directly from the members of some of the most successful and most powerful secret societies as GIN claims? If this is true, now this information is virtually priceless and you truly are missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime if you decide not to become a member.

So Should You Join?

As you can see, GIN is a smorgasbord of information. You can take the information that you think will help you advance yourself to achieve success. The information is growing rapidly. So will you actually be able to utilize the information available and turn it into success worth at least the initiation fee and monthly fees? That is up to you to decide. A few things you can do before you take the leap of membership is evaluate the following suggestions.

For starters, listen to the audio on the following videos. These videos should at least intrigue you to some extent. If they do, you most likely will get your money's worth out of GIN membership. Videos can be viewed at my website.

Another thing you could do to evaluate if GIN is right for you is read one, two, or a few of the books listed below. Trust me, the books will be worth your time. If the books grab your attention, you most likely will get your money's worth out of GIN membership. Links to my books are available on my website.

-The Magic of Thinking Big

-See You at the Top

-Ask & It Is Given

-The Secret

-New Psycho-Cybernetics

-Think and Grow Rich

-The Magic of Believing

-How To Win Friends and Influence People

-The Go-Getter: A Story That Tells You How To Be One

-The Power of Positive Thinking

-The Game of Work: How to Enjoy Work As Much As Play

-Rich Dad Poor Dad

Take me up on my free offer of a Your Wish Is Your Command audio set to find out if GIN is right for you. Visit my website for information on how to obtain your free copy. The Your Wish Is Your Command audio set will teach you the basics on how to effectively employ the law of attraction in your life to help you become the person you want to be.

How much do you believe you're worth? Are you worth a day? Can't you invest a day on yourself and your future? Are you spending a day on something that is not giving you a return on your investment? Are you spending a day on something that is not helping you improve the quality of your health, your relationships, and your finances? Can you justify spending a day on that double espresso latte that you just absolutely need?

Will you at least consider sacrificing something like that latte to give yourself the fighting chance and the opportunity to improve your life?

Don't forget to check out more of my articles or better yet, visit my website to learn an incredible amount of information on the Global Information Network.

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